Sure Indicator of Twitter Spam Followers

Posted: Oct 22, 2012

Now I just wanted to touch on a topic that is really annoying for some of us. Especially the ones who are actually looking to connect with other like-minded individuals on social media platforms such as Twitter. Recently it became very obvious to me how to see the spam follower from the actually engaged users, and I found this quite amusing. So I figured I would write to lighten the topic a bit.

Twitter Spam Followers

First I must obviously preface with that fact I get quite excited when I get a follower as I don’t have that many(in other words please follow me) followers. But when I do get one I am quite joyed that someone found something I said interesting until……I notice this. Heartbreaking, yes I used a #googleplus, but no I don’t want your robots to follow me until you realized I won’t just follow back. Some spambots will just crawl looking for keywords to latch onto, frustrating as it may be it is a sure-fire indicator they are a robot instead of a twitter user( thanks Love Google+ for being a great example).

The Cycle Continues

I have also noticed the trend of Twitter birds in the profile pic for spammers is enormous. See since as a spammer you don’t “really” exist cause you’re kinda more like this 

than this…..

(Dang that’s a good looking follower)

Anyway, the point is spammers commonly use these poor profile pics as some sort of distraction. I mean is it really bad enough you are too lazy to actually do really work on a platform that you can even pic a little more convincing picture? To be totally honest I think it is a bit of an insult that twitter users would just not notice your blatant laziness. If a follower isn’t willing to show their face then they most likely don’t have one… robots.

Concluding a Rant

So if you happen to use a hashtag and get followers from keyword crawling robots, you can easily be identified them as they will either have a suspiciously similar hashtag or be faceless. These are just a few quick and easily identifiable ways to see spam followers without any extra tools.