Having the Humility to Admit “you suck” in Business Sometimes

Posted: Oct 18, 2014

ALRIGHT I admit it I SUCK. I haven’t posted a blog in a long time let alone consistently and it got me thinking it take humility to admit the problem and make the change. Recently a good friend of mine told me about “if you don’t know what to write, write about what’s already on your mind”. Personally, I like this blogging tactic because it brings out the voice of the writer more. And I’m taking his lead.

What does it mean to “suck”?

Now that we are past my admission of sucking, let’s talk a little bit about why this is important in business. To “suck” generically means you probably aren’t living up to an expectation or just aren’t doing something up to par enough for what you need to be. It takes a lot to admit you may be doing something wrong or at least not correct enough in business. A lot like in our personal lives, this admission needs to happen otherwise we won’t break the cycle and this leads to permanent failure.

An example of “suck”:

How do we break the cycle of “suck”?

Simple you DO! You have to make the adjustments necessary personally or professionally and own that responsibility. You will gain respect from your customers/clients/peers and have the opportunity to show them you can do better. Just adding focus to attending to whatever it is you’re sucking at will help cure the problem, but to be most effective make a plan.

Planning to not “suck”

Obviously none of us want to suck and certainly don’t plan on it initially but like how I’ve neglected my blog, we just get overwhelmed with other obligations and obstacles. Did we intentionally suck? No, but that also doesn’t dismiss that we could be making more of an effort to not suck. By consciously making this acknowledgement of “We can do better” or “I can do better” you are half way to not sucking anymore.

Making the acknowledgement is easy but now to make the actual improvements to not “suck” anymore. The truth is this answer is different for every problem, but making the effort and carrying it out is the important part. Like how I’m breaking my “suck” cycle of not bloging right now. I decided I need to write more consistently to help develop my voice and my blog and admitted I sucked. So to avoid sitting down and getting writers block I’m talking about that is blocking me from writing. Which is of coarse, is the plan and strategy I put together to try not to “suck” at posting new content for all of you…..the 5 people reading this.

Closing Thoughts

Humility is an act of transparent admission to improvement, this goes for your personal and business lives. We as human beings are not perfect but have an ability to learn grow and progress each and everyday. Simply by not having humility we are going to “suck”, because we are going to be too blind to see the potential progress and improvements we could make to our lives and the lives of others. What makes a great business isn’t the ability to make money, but the ability to see you can always do something better and different than your competition. . . . . .So what do you “suck” at?